Tuition Programmes

Expert EnglishTM
Expert EnglishTM

Gateway to
Countless Opportunities

Think of English not just as a subject, but as a gateway to understanding and being understood in today’s interconnected world. It’s beyond just grammar and literature; it’s about building confidence to express oneself, and the joy of diving into diverse narratives. With the digital age and the rise of social media, the power of effective communication in English becomes even more pivotal. It’s the language of global discourse, online interactions, and countless opportunities. Your child’s journey in our English program is tailored to nurture their passion for the language. We ensure that they grasp its nuances, recognize its beauty, and most importantly, use it to connect with others both offline and in the digital realm. We’re here to ensure they are not just English learners, but effective communicators ready for the modern world.

Clear & Engaging

Clear and engaging grammar explanations complemented by comprehensive illustrations.

Grammar Principles

Grammar principles are simply presented, freeing students from the maze of technical jargon and uninspiring explanations.

Based on MOE Syllabus

Our programs are carefully designed to meet the Ministry of Education’s standards, ensuring that students receive relevant and comprehensive learning that supports their academic growth.

Our Curriculum

Learning Outcomes

Nurturing a Love for Language
Dive into the joy and magic of the English language, fostering a genuine love for words and stories.

Laying Solid Foundations
Introduce your little one to the world of ‘metalanguage’ – the language about language, tailored perfectly to their unique needs and budding abilities.

Grammar Made Fun
Your child will grasp essential grammatical rules effortlessly, understanding them at word, phrase, and sentence levels in a playful and engaging manner.

Expanding Little Lexicons
With rich, imaginative texts and plenty of delightful reading, watch your child’s vocabulary blossom and grow.

Learning Outcomes

Empowering Language Awareness
Your child will confidently discuss and refine their writing using proper grammatical terms, making self-corrections along the way.

Building Seamless Connections
Equip your child with the ability to smoothly link thoughts and ideas across sentences and paragraphs using cohesive tools and structures.

Mastering Context Clues
Strengthen your child’s reading prowess by teaching them to deduce word meanings based on the context and the role a word plays in a sentence.

Learning Outcomes

Purposeful Language Usage
Equip your child to discern and appreciate how the intentional use of words can craft powerful messages and convey deeper meanings in various texts.

Real-Life Application
Guide your child in mastering grammar essentials for everyday communication, from drafting emails and procedures to recounting events and texting friends.

Enhanced Writing Techniques
Dive deeper into the nuances of English by exploring connectors, the passive voice, and the timeless elegance of the simple present tense. Your child will also master verb phrases, paving the way for more compelling expositions.