Testimonial 0004

Based on recommendation from our friends, I have enrolled my son in Pro-Teach Yew Tee Primary since Primary 1 till date. Being a working parent, we feel at ease at work knowing that our son is in good hands. The teachers have done a remarkable job, not only in caring for the children’s academic achievement but also teaching them good conduct and character like respect, responsibility, fairness and compassion. I noticed there is some change in my son’s behaviour. He is more positive, cheerful and his grades are improving as the teachers are caring and helpful. They would supervise Javian homework, prepare him for upcoming spelling and generally give him a safe and friendly environment where he can develop as a person. I would like to thank all the caring teachers and staffs @ Pro-Teach School Care for the guidance and teachings to my son. Keep up the good job and continue to uphold your service standard.